Instructor Bios
In the summer of 2009 what was once a crazy idea became the first of its kind Zombie Survival Camp. The three founding members spent almost 8 months researching and developing the curriculum that has continued to evolve over the last 6 years. With a wide range of survival, disaster preparation and self-defense skills, the Zombie Survival Camp team has developed a unique survival training program that teaches solid survival skills in a fun, exciting environment. Meet the leadership team.

Go-to weapon: Sig 516 patrol
Favorite Survival Gear: Night vision
Favorite Zombie Killer: Alice from Resident Evil
Favorite Stress Reliever: Reloading Ammo
Mark is the founder and owner of Zombie Survival Camp. He took a late night “what if” conversation and transformed it into a comprehensive survival training camp. Mark has an exhaustive knowledge of survival skills and techniques, honed from years of research and practical application. He is an NRA certified firearms instructor in rifle, pistol, shotgun, and personal safety, and is a Range Safety Officer. He is also certified in Metallic Cartridge and Shotgun Shell Reloading. He has studied multiple martial arts over the last 20+ years and most recently obtained his Black Belt in Tang Soo Do. Mark teaches Firearms, Bug-Out Bag, Fire and Water, First Aid, Shelter and some extra skills we don’t publicly mention. In his spare time, he shoots, re-loads ammunition, reads anything about the end of the world and likes to pretend he is not one of those “preppers”.
CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE: NRA Certified Firearms Instructor in multiple disciplines, Martial artist, Personal Trainer. Mark grew up working in construction and on a farm, spent 15 years in the security industry and now works professionally in the firearms industry. He grew up hunting and trapping and spent most of his time in the woods.

Go-to weapon: Customized AK-47
Favorite Survival Gear: Russian entrenching shovel
Favorite Zombie Killer: Ash from Evil Dead
Favorite Stress Reliever: Shooting
Jonas is the co-founder of Zombie Survival Camp and was integral in developing the self-defense and firearms curriculums. With a background in martial arts that spans over 25 years and multiple disciplines, including some of the illicit styles no one really talks about, Jonas is our resident self-defense expert. His forte is using common household items in self-defense tactics. He created our hugely popular Zombitsu self-defense class. Jonas is an NRA certified firearms instructor in rifle, pistol, shotgun, and personal safety, and is a Chief Range Safety Officer. Jonas teaches Firearms, First Aid, Zombitsu, Personal Safety and Melee Weapons. If you ask nicely, he’ll show you how to use things like chairs and spoons as very effective weapons. In his spare time, Jonas likes to watch YouTube videos about kittens and conspiracy theories, studies new forms of martial arts, reloads, shoots and saves money for his impending wedding (and new firearms but don’t tell his fiancé).
CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE: Over 25 years of diverse martial arts experience, Executive Protection Professional, NRA Certified Firearms Instructor in multiple disciplines.

Go-to weapon: Crossbow
Favorite Survival Gear: Water Purifier
Favorite Zombie Killer: Tallahassee
Favorite Stress Reliever: Running
One of the founding members of Zombie Survival Camp, Suzanne is an avid archer, preferring the silent and deadly crossbow. She has extensive background in disaster preparation and planning in the corporate environment. She has been very active in the fitness industry, both as a personal trainer and as a competitor. Nutrition for life-long health is one of her passions. Suzanne teaches Crossbow, Leadership, Maintaining Your Health, First Aid and Firearms. She favors her crossbow over firearms any day, but she does kick Mark’s ass in precision rifle (but we don’t talk about that). In her spare time, she trains for triathlons and reads anything she can get her hands on.
CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE: Professional in disaster preparation and planning, personal trainer.

Go-to weapon: Longsword
Favorite Survival Gear: Sharpening Stone
Favorite Zombie Killer: Shaun
Favorite Stress Reliever: Practice cutting
Sam is the newest trainer at Zombie Survival Camp, and brings a tremendous knowledge of all things bladed to the camp. A normal childhood interest in knives evolved into a passion for both historical and current bladed weaponry. He is adept in the use of swords, throwing knives, axes, spears, warhammers, and maces. Sam is also a Black Belt in the World Tang Soo Do Association, and is currently studying HEMA, Kenjutsu, and Jeet June Do. Sam teaches Throwing Knives, Melee Weapons and Firearms. He is currently completing his degree in Film Production. In his spare time, he crafts weapons in his backyard forge, researches old weapons, and watches any horror film he can find. Be careful what you ask him about medieval weapons (it will not be a simple answer!)
CREDENTIALS AND EXPERIENCE: Bladed weapons expert, Black Belt