When you look at being prepared you need to ask yourself what you are preparing for, and where might you be when it happens? You never know when something bad could happen so it is difficult to know where you will be. You need to think about your current location and if you are going to be able to handle …
Potable Aqua PURE Electrolytic Water Purifier
This is a water purifier that produces Chlorine from table salt that you then use to purify your water. It can be charged with a USB cord and even has a solar charger as a back up. You can purify 150 liters per charge. You need to check it out. Here is a link to their site – Potable Aqua …
How Much Ammo Fits in an Ammo Can?
Ammunition needs to stored in a dry clean environment. Military ammo cans are a great storage container and are easy to find on the surplus market and fairly inexpensive. The plastic cans that are available are less money but not as sturdy as the metal military cans. Another thing you may want to consider is the overall weigh of a …
Who Is On Your Survival Team? (part 1)
It the scenario is a total breakdown of society, there is a good ongoing debate whether you are safer in a group or alone. I would argue on the side of having a group and have them selected prior to the event. This is something that you should talk about now and have a plan in place with everyone involved …